The Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl-themed Switch Lite is a sweet throwback to the limited edition Pokémon-themed Nintendo DS Lite ‘Onyx’ edition, which came out around the release of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl back in 2006. The new Switch Lite design boasts a brand new metallic grey colour scheme and features silver and gold artwork of the two legendary Pokémon which appear Diamond and Pearl’s box art. A similar Pokémon-edition Switch Lite console launched in November 8, 2019 and featured Zacian and Zamazenta from the Sword and Shield games on Switch. Here we’ve compiled everything you need to know about the Pokémon-themed handheld console including its price, release date and where you can pre-order the device. Sadly, the new Switch Lite console won’t come with Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, as it launches a couple of weeks before the release of the two new Pokemon Switch games, both of which are due out 19th November on Nintendo Switch. It’s also coming out around a month after the release of the Switch OLED, which is due to come out on 8th October. Currently there are no Pokémon Dialga and Palkia Edition Switch Lite pre-order deals live in the US. We will of course, keep this page updated as more online retailers go live.
Pokémon Dialga and Palkia Edition Switch Lite for £199.85 at ShopTo Pokémon Dialga and Palkia Edition Switch Lite for £199.99 at My Nintendo Store UK
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