Below, you’ll find our full, complete walkthrough for the main story in the remakes, detailing all you need to know on opponent trainers, wild Pokémon encounters, and item locations for each and every route and area you come across on your adventure. On this page: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl walkthrough: First Gym Badge
Twinleaf Town and Route 201 SandgemTown and Route 202 Jubilife City Clown locations and Route 204 Route 203 and Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City, Mine, and Gym Leader Roark
Second Gym Badge
Ravaged Path and Route 204 North Floaroma Town, Meadow and Valley Windworks Route 205 South and North Eterna Forest and Old Chateau Pokémon Eterna City, Gym Trainer locations and how to beat Leader Gardenia
Third Gym Badge
Route 206 and Route 207 Mt. Coronet Route 208 Hearthome City and Amity Square Route 209 and Lost Tower Solaceon Town and Solaceon Ruins Unown spawns Route 210 Pokémon and how to clear the Psyduck Route 215 Pokémon, trainers and items Veilstone City and how to defeat Gym Leader Maylene
Fourth Gym Badge
Route 214 and Ruin Maniac Cave Pokémon, trainers and items Valor Lakefront and Hotel Grand Lake Suit Key location Route 213 Pokémon, trainers and items Pastoria City, Gym Puzzle solution and how to beat Leader Crasher Wake
Fifth Gym Badge
Great Marsh: daily spawns explained and whether to throw bait or mud Route 212 and Pokémon Mansion Celestic Town and Route 211 Hearthome City Gym Leader Fantina
Sixth Gym Badge
Route 218 and how to beat Canalave City Gym Leader Byron Iron Island
Seventh Gym Badge
Lake Valor and Lake Verity Mount Coronet part 2 Route 216 and Route 217 Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle and Candice
Eighth Gym Badge
Acuity Lakefront and Lake Acuity Team Galactic HQ and Warehouse Mount Coronet part 3 Route 222 Sunyshore City Gym puzzle and Volkner
Pokémon League, Elite Four and Champion
Route 223 Victory Road How to beat the Elite Four and Champion
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl guides
Great Marsh spawns explained and whether to throw bait or mud Sinnoh Pokédex and National Pokédex in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl version differences, exclusive Pokémon and new features Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl starters Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup: Which starter is best? Grand Underground map, how to dig and Secret Base statues in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Pokémon Hideaways spawn list in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Honey tree Pokémon spawn list and wait time in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl explained Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Drifloon location explained How to get Spiritomb and Odd Keystone explained How to get Gible and movesets for Gible, Gabite and Garchomp explained How to get Arceus Mystery Gift codes for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl How to get Manaphy Egg and Phione in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl How to get Shaymin and Oak’s Letter
Much more to follow!